In Search of Apotropaic Devices

Warding off evil... not as simple as one might think.
I used to think that if you live a good life, give to charity, be kind to others, and generally follow the golden rule, the law of "what comes around, goes around" will return the same to you. Not! I interact daily with a person who has weekly lessons with the Satan on how to be more evil. (I don't know how much she charges him...heh heh heh!)
Oh... back to warding off evil. It's hard to pick the right course of action. There are many techniques, methods, symbols and objects that aid can help keep evil at bay or defeat it permanently. Wooden stakes and silver crosses, magic/silver bullets, holy water, feng shui, garlic cloves, the color red, magic knives made of hippopotamus ivory, icons and religious artifacts, rabbits feet and horse shoes, rue (Ruta graveolens -- is a European perennial herb), and gargoyles.
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Don't try this at home.
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