Sunday, November 06, 2005

Haven't forgotten you....

For my readers (both of you)... ;)

I haven't forgotten you. I'm just kind of busy right now. Things are kind of hectic at work and I'm trying to keep a balance between customer and company. I seem to just piss people off. Oh well... what doesn't kill you will make you stronger. Right. Right?

Anyways, I decided to look around and share with you the first thing that caught my eye. I skipped around a few blogs and came across this blog entry.

"I can't write. You may think this is what I'm doing now, but you're wrong. There are words, and then there are words. There are no words for what I want to write about. I have started this post four times already. There are hidden words that no one will ever see..."
This lady seems to be a talented, but very sad writer, missing her friend. Her words struck me and made me realize how lucky I am to have what I have. (I come across this realization often; it never ceases to amaze me how truly lucky I am.) I don't normally post responses on stranger's sites, but I couldn't help myself.

G'night all. I'm closing down my computer and going home to my family.