Friday, March 31, 2006

Spring has sprung

What a winter! Here in Moncton it was nothing to speak of, really. A couple of decent snowfalls with a lot of nothing in between. My snow tires didn't get much of a workout.

Now, I think, spring is coming early. The tulips in my garden are starting to sprout (I say "starting" but they are already quite high), and other plants are starting to show signs of new growth. Spring is by far my favourite time of the year.... new life just trying to push forth. The changes are just so dramatic and significant, it just amazes me. (I'm easily impressed, eh?)

This year, I have decided that spring will spring my life as well. After the rough winter I put in at work and the rough month I just put in with my health, I am fully prepared to push forth, initiating new growth into my life. Without getting too sappy, I have a new appreciation for what's important.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

I had laryngitis this week, but I'm not gonna die

I started feeling sick, oh, about 9 or 10 days ago. I got up early last Saturday to go to work (yeah, work... on Saturday). Anyways, I got up, showered, read the paper, got ready and left the house. My wife and son were still in bed, and I wasn't in the mood to sing. I went to Tim Horton's (I needed my Roll Up to Win), went in, stood in line, went up to the counter and said..... nothing. I couldn't speak... nothing but air! I'd never had laryngitis before. I haven't sounded like hell now for about a week. My voice is just coming back to life now.

I just looked up laryngitis on the net and was happy to see that it won't likely kill me.

Mortality/Morbidity: Because acute laryngitis is usually self-limited and treated with conservative measures, significant morbidity and mortality are not encountered. Patients who develop acute laryngitis from an infectious etiology rather than vocal trauma may ultimately injure their vocal folds. The deficient voice production in patients with acute laryngitis may result in application of a greater adduction force or tension to compensate for the incomplete glottic closure during an acute laryngitic episode. This tension further strains the vocal folds and decreases voice production, ultimately delaying return of normal phonation.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Curling Gold and National Pride in Newfoundland and Labrador

Canada Free Press Article

Atlantic & East Coast Report
Curling Gold and National Pride in Newfoundland and Labrador
By Myles Higgins
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

On Friday February 24th, history was made when the Newfoundland and Labrador men's rink captured curling gold for Canada. Many in the province and throughout the country watched with pride as Brad Gushue and the team from the St. John's curling club captured Canada's first-ever gold medal in curling and the first gold medal of any kind for Canada's newest province.

Read Comments section for more...

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

To all of my adoring fan(s)

Don't want to continue disappointing y'all with sparce, infrequent updates,
so ....

I went to Canadian Tire the other day and bought a fan just so I could
double the membership in my fan club.

Seriously. Things have been pretty hectic lately. By "lately" I mean
since as long as I can remember; around about the time I started this blog,
coincidentally. Hmmmmm.... That's IT!!! :-)

I think I'm going crazy. But, they say the crazy don't know they are
crazy. If that's true, then I must just be confused.