Cafe Laugh
For those who know me well, or even just a little, I am the type of person who sees the world with a sense of humour, and I respond as such. (i.e. I'm a smartass.) I am very impressed when someone catches me off guard with their own smartassousness.
We went into Starbucks (my first time there) and my boss orders a Cafe Latte - no fat. Looking at a sea of latte this, espresso that, I quickly said "what he's having". The lady responded, "no fat too?". I said, "Oh no, regular please." I turned to my boss and mumbled, "I don't need to worry about letting myself go, I'm married." He smiled, but I heard a lady laugh behind the counter, not the same lady that served me.
I said, "You laughing at me?". "Yes, it was very funny." Knowing how dry my joke was, I stated, "I appreciate you laughing, but it wasn't that funny." She said, "Oh yes it was... you see, I'm divorced." Puzzled, I responded, "... and?" She said, "I left him because he let himself go to pot!"
Spitting latte out my nose, "Thanks... I'll take that under advisement!" My next coffee was with skim milk and artificial sweetener.